A message from our CEO on Covid19

By Enchanted Medical Supply |

A Message from CEO of Enchanted Medical Supplies

As we all grapple with the challenges of the COVID-19 virus, please know that Enchanted Medical Supplies remains 100% committed to remaining open to service our patients and customers. We deeply respect the trust you have placed in us, and you can count on us to do everything possible to ensure
the continuity of our store to provide you with all your medical supply needs.

As the big retail stores continue to struggle with supplies, we still have much needed medical supplies like Surgical Gloves, Surgical Face Masks, Alcohol Swabs, Thermometers and others. Although these items are available right now, they are in such short supply. We want to let our customers and our neighbors in the community know that we stand together in these difficult times and work with you with all your personal needs.

Please continue to reach out to us with any questions you may have via phone. Please call us at (410)988-8740.

We will do everything possible to procure medical supplies and make them available to our community.

Thank you for trusting us.


Emmanuel Tesfaye

Enchanted Medical LLC


BOC accredited facility